Author Guidelines

Journal of Characterization accepts original scientific articles in Turkish or English in order to establish scientific communication between scientists working in the fields of Science and Engineering.

Copyright Transfer Form for all articles should be filled in by all authors of the article and sent to the editor. The publications of authors who do not submit a Copyright Transfer Form will not be processed. No additions can be made later by the authors on the articles that are decided to be published.

Each article is sent to at least two referees and examined in terms of form and content. The articles that are determined to be able to be published in the journal are typed and made ready for publication.


During the first submission, the author(s) of the article should be scanned for similarity and the report showing the similarity rate should be uploaded together with the article.

Each article should have an Abstract Page summarizing the work done. (Submit your article as a single file, with this page being the first page of the article).

  1. STRUCTURE: It should be written in Times New Roman font and in 10 pt. It should not exceed 20 pages, excluding references and figures, as well as scans. Authors should specify what type of article their article is.
  2. TITLE: The title of the work should be written in 14 pt, bold, in Turkish and English with the first letters capitalized, the title should be suitable for the text, short and clear.
  3. AUTHORS: The names and surnames of the authors should be written in bold, 12 font size with the first letters capitalized. The institution information, city, country, orcid number and e-mail address should be written below.

Corresponding author and reference sections should be filled in accordance with the sample.

All first-degree titles in the text should be written in capital letters, and the first letters of all words of the second-degree and other titles should be written in capital letters.

  1. SUMMARY: It should be written in Turkish and English, not exceeding 150 words. The title of the work should be written in English at the beginning of the English abstract.
  2. KEYWORDS: At least 3, at most 5, must be given in Turkish/English.
  3. TEXT: In general, it covers parts related to introduction, method, findings, conclusion and discussion.
  4. REFERENCES: References in the text should be written according to IEEE style.

  1. Acknowledgments: If people or institutions are to be thanked, they should be written in this section and given before the references.

ETHICS STATEMENT: In the articles to be published in our journal, it should be stated whether ethics committee permission and/or legal/special permission is required. If it is necessary to obtain these permissions, it should be clearly presented from which institution, on what date and with what decision or issue number. In addition, if the study requires the use of human and animal subjects, international declaration, guide, etc. should be declared appropriate. In cases where permission is not required, the following text should be added after the Acknowledgments section.



The author(s) of this article declare that the materials and methods used in their studies do not require ethical committee approval and/or legal-specific permission.


 DECLARATION OF AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS: In this section, the contribution of each researcher named in the article should be stated.


DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Conflict of interest between the authors of the article should be stated. If there is no conflict of interest, the statement "There is no conflict of interest in this study" should be written.